Exploring Tokyo’s Subsidies for Foreign Companies

Tokyo is a thriving hub for international business, offering numerous subsidies to attract foreign companies. These incentives are designed to foster innovation, support sustainable development, and enhance Tokyo’s position as a global business center. Here’s a closer look at the opportunities available for foreign companies considering expansion into Tokyo.


Industry 4.0 and Green Transformation (GX) Subsidies

Tokyo offers targeted subsidies for companies in cutting-edge sectors such as Industry 4.0 and Green Transformation (GX). These programs are specifically designed to support businesses involved in IoT, Big Data, AI, and green finance.

Industry 4.0 Subsidies

Companies establishing a base in the Special Zone for Asian Headquarters can receive financial support for recruitment and other establishment expenses. This initiative aims to attract businesses that are at the forefront of technological innovation[2].

Green Transformation (GX) Subsidies

For companies involved in green finance and GX-related fields, Tokyo provides a subsidy program to support the establishment of a Japanese entity. This program is particularly focused on asset management and FinTech companies engaged in sustainable practices[3].


Financial Sector Incentives

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government also offers financial incentives to foreign companies in the financial sector. These subsidies cover expenses related to establishing a base, personnel recruitment, and outsourcing operations.

Financial Establishment Subsidy

This program assists financial companies in setting up operations in Tokyo by subsidizing part of the necessary expenses. It aims to reduce the financial burden on companies entering the Japanese market[4].


Comprehensive Support Services

In addition to financial subsidies, Tokyo provides comprehensive support services for foreign companies. These services include market analysis, entry strategy planning, business partner identification, and cost simulation.

Business Concierge Tokyo

This one-stop support center offers administrative procedure assistance, consulting services, and business exchange support. It is designed to streamline the process for foreign companies expanding into Tokyo[4].

JETRO Support

The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) offers various support services, including temporary office space and business development assistance, to help foreign companies establish a presence in Japan[4].



Tokyo’s subsidy programs and support services offer a wealth of opportunities for foreign companies looking to expand into the Japanese market. By leveraging these incentives, businesses can reduce their initial costs, gain valuable market insights, and establish a strong foothold in one of the world’s most dynamic cities. Whether you’re in technology, finance, or green industries, Tokyo provides the resources and support needed to succeed. For more information on how to apply for these subsidies and the specific requirements, companies are encouraged to contact the relevant Tokyo government offices or consult with business support organizations like JETRO.



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